Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Huawei To Develop Rival Operating System To Android

Huawei To Develop Rival Operating System To Android

Following the cancellation of the Android license by Google and the decision to postpone it, Huawei will respond with a new operating system.

After Google announced that the Android license had been revoked and then this decision was suspended for a certain period of time, Huawei came up with the decision to face Android by developing a new operating system against this situation.

Huawei To Develop Rival Operating System To Android

Huawei to develop rival operating system to Android

It was announced that these decisions were postponed by 90 minutes after the US government started blacklisting Huawei with a sudden decision, and companies such as Google, Intel, and Qualcomm ended their cooperation with Huawei. Following these developments, Huawei will be able to continue to use Android in the future, but will not be able to access main services such as Play Store. According to the Chinese company's statements, they are taking some measures against the possibilities of encountering such a situation and they have been working on this issue for a long time. According to information obtained Huawei has been working on an operating system for a long time. Tim Hughei senior Huawei official Financial Times statements issued by the company as an alternative to Android's own operating system is ready to make use of expressed. While it is expected that the operating system which is actively tested is expected to be introduced to users very recently, it seems to have taken the Huawei measure against the sanctions of the American Government and American companies.

Huawei will battle with operating system

Huawei is expected to be introduced recently and the new operating system, which is already a big wonder, is expected to offer its users a smooth and innovative experience for all their needs. Used by many users in the world, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Gmail etc. The question of how much demanding an operating system that cannot support popular applications will be demanded by users. Software confident company with this decision on the war is officially on Android.
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Monday, May 20, 2019

Survive The World With The Locusts!

Survive The World With The Locusts!

We wouldn't have guessed that raw fish, fortress or chia seed would be so popular. What if someone told you our locust would save our planet?

We wouldn't have guessed that raw fish, fortress or chia seeds would be so popular, but they have already taken their place at lunches and smoothies.

Survive the world with the locusts!

So do you think that our eating habits can change by drinking fried grasshoppers? Abokado, a sushi restaurant chain in London's capital London this week, added locusts to its food menu and said that this food is both healthy and sustainable.

Lindsay Brown from the BBC's Newsbeat team penned how locusts or insects could change our eating habits. Black Alderin, the director of the Abokado, thinks that in a few years, the insects will take their place in the food we eat every day.

Again in the UK, supermarket chain Sainsbury's 250 branches began to sell as a snack last year. Other brands also sell similar food products under the food menus, highlighting that they are healthy and eco-friendly.

Survive The World With The Locusts!

On the other hand, 2 billion people around the world are already eating insects. It's called entomofagi. You can eat some insects, but only about 40 percent of cows can be consumed. A United Nations report, published in 2013, suggests that eating insects will help feed and reduce pollution.

Dr. Imperial College London. Tilly Collins says she hopes insect food is going to spread, because it benefits the environment a lot:

"Sustainability is getting harder because we cannot continue to eat the amount of meat we eat in the West now. In developing countries, food safety can be a serious food source because food safety is a problem."

For insect breeding, soil, food and water are used much less than animal breeding; at the same time 80 percent less methane than cows released by methane gas is released by insects.

What do you think about these statements? Can our planet really survive locusts? Do not forget to transfer your thoughts to us in the comments section.
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How Will Google's Huawei Decision Affect The Industry?

How Will Google's Huawei Decision Affect The Industry?

Google's Huawei blacklisting will lead to major changes in the technology industry. We've put together possible scenarios for you.

US President Donald Trump recently signed a decree prohibiting American companies from receiving telecommunications equipment from companies that are 'at national security risk'. The first step after this decision came from Google last night. The company announced its suspension of relations with Huawei. This decision, which will not affect existing phones, includes models that will be available for sale in the future.

Google's Huawei decision will affect the industry

This big and important decision will of course have some reflections. At the moment there is information pollution in the industry and 'Huawei phones will not install the application, Huawei phones will not receive updates, Huawei phones will not be able to go to YouTube' claims such as walking around, but there is no clear information on this issue for now.

How Will Google's Huawei Decision Affect The Industry?

However, there are basically two different operating systems in the smartphone industry: one of them is Android, the other is Apple's iOS. So both operating systems belong to US brands.

Google has dominance worldwide on mobile

According to StatCounter's April 2019 figures, the worldwide use of iOS is 2.76 percent, while the Android operating system is 75.22 percent. So Android has an overwhelming advantage.
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China Launches Boycott Campaign Against Apple

China launches boycott campaign against Apple

After US corporations announced that they were terminating their cooperation with Huawei, boycott campaigns for Apple products were launched as a counter-move in China.

With Google and other US companies to end their collaboration with Huawei, the Chinese have launched a boycott campaign against Apple products.

China Launches Boycott Campaign Against Apple

After a shocking decision by the United States to blacklist Huawei and companies like Google, Intel and Qualcomm to end their cooperation with Huawei, Chinese smartphone users have launched a boycott campaign against Apple products.

China Launches Boycott Campaign Against Apple

This decision of the US government for Huawei, together with other technology companies to end their cooperation with Huawei, the main reason behind the decision of the Chinese, the unstoppable rise of Huawei against Apple, the US government and Apple is seen as a very disturbing. Considering the US government's sanction policy against the Huawei company as a move to prevent the Chinese company from rising, the Chinese government said that in response to the US government, Apple products should no longer be used by citizens and that Huawei products should be preferred instead.

In the boycott campaign launched against Chinese Apple products on Weibo by Chinese people, Huawei products provide users with better quality services than Apple products, while users are asked to stop using Apple products. The technology world is very curious about the impact of the boycott campaign, which was started by the Chinese as a counter-move, on Apple's products.

Huawei may be more powerful than this negative situation

Being aware that China, the world's largest smartphone market, is of great importance to companies like Apple, the United States does not seem to be limited to a boycott campaign against Apple products, which only responds to attempts to sanction Huawei. The Chinese government also imposes great sanctions on US products and companies. Huawei, who has been subjected to major sanctions by the US government, has almost challenged Apple to explain who is prepared for this situation and who will be affected by the negativity.
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Call Of Duty: Mobile Opened!

Call Of Duty: Mobile Opened!

Call of Duty: Mobile opened early access for iOS and Android devices in North America, South America and Europe. Here are the details!

Publisher Activision and developer Tencent have previously made their debut in Australia and China under the name of Call of Duty: Legends of War. The free first-person shooter game Call of Duty: Mobile will come to iOS and Android devices in North America, South America and Europe. It announced.

Call Of Duty: Mobile Opened!

Now the game is activated at the end of early access.

Call of Duty: Mobile opened!

Tencent's award-winning studio Timi developed by the studio includes various maps, modes, weapons and characters from the Call of Duty series, including Black Ops and Modern Warfare.

Some of these modes include Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, and Free-For-All; Some of the maps are Nuketown, Crash and Hijacked. Using the Unity real-time 3D development platform, a classic multiplayer mode for the game will be announced as well as new playable modes.

In addition, the producer presented the announcement video of the game to the taste of the players. You can access the related video to the player above. What do you think of the legendary Call of Duty brand on mobile devices?

Do not forget to transfer your thoughts to us in the comments section. The official page of the game can be found here. Let's not forget that additional bonuses will be distributed to pre-registered players.
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