Monday, May 20, 2019

Call Of Duty: Mobile Opened!

Call Of Duty: Mobile Opened!

Call of Duty: Mobile opened early access for iOS and Android devices in North America, South America and Europe. Here are the details!

Publisher Activision and developer Tencent have previously made their debut in Australia and China under the name of Call of Duty: Legends of War. The free first-person shooter game Call of Duty: Mobile will come to iOS and Android devices in North America, South America and Europe. It announced.

Call Of Duty: Mobile Opened!

Now the game is activated at the end of early access.

Call of Duty: Mobile opened!

Tencent's award-winning studio Timi developed by the studio includes various maps, modes, weapons and characters from the Call of Duty series, including Black Ops and Modern Warfare.

Some of these modes include Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, and Free-For-All; Some of the maps are Nuketown, Crash and Hijacked. Using the Unity real-time 3D development platform, a classic multiplayer mode for the game will be announced as well as new playable modes.

In addition, the producer presented the announcement video of the game to the taste of the players. You can access the related video to the player above. What do you think of the legendary Call of Duty brand on mobile devices?

Do not forget to transfer your thoughts to us in the comments section. The official page of the game can be found here. Let's not forget that additional bonuses will be distributed to pre-registered players.


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