Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bad News For The Phenomena!

Bad News For The Phenomena!

Social media phenomena have received a very bad news. The personal information of millions of phenomena was leaked.

A very bad news came to the influencers (social media phenomena), a new profession that was born with the social media being part of our lives.

Bad News For The Phenomena!

Bad news for the phenomena!

According to the news in TechCrunch, millions of influencers' personal information containing data appeared. According to the report prepared by Anurag Sen, the leaked information includes 50 million social media phenomena and brands worldwide.

However, it is still unclear who the persons and brands are affected.

In addition, Instagram, one of the world's most popular social media applications, recently decided to close Direct by the side application it published. The Direct app allows users to be able to communicate with other users, which can also be accessed from within Instagram.

In order to increase the use of the Direct feature, the company also offered to download the Direct application and a large increase was observed.

However, Instagram, today sent a new message to users announced that the application will close Direct. Instead, users will now be able to continue speaking directly from Instagram.

Previously, Facebook's Messenger feature turned into a separate application and millions of users were forced to download this application.
