Sunday, May 19, 2019

Samsung And Huawei Were Finally In Agreement!

Samsung And Huawei Were Finally In Agreement!

The tension between Samsung and Huawei ended with the agreement of two companies. Here are the details!

Technology giants can occasionally give patent wars. Generally, the wars in the telephone industry are being brought to the agenda, but there are no cases with a nice ending. In recent years, Apple, Samsung and Huawei have been competing with each other and have taken their competition to courtrooms.

Samsung And Huawei Were Finally In Agreement!

Samsung and Huawei were finally in agreement!

According to Nikkei, Samsung and Huawei found a way to reconcile the legal struggle in a common spot. We do not know if there has been any patent payment between companies since the agreement made between the companies has not been disclosed to the public.

Samsung also ended its legal struggle with Apple recently. As a matter of fact, it seems to be the Samsung that puts the final point in these legal battles. The company was seriously affected by the decline in sales in the smart phone market and chose to go for peace in order to shake the agreed market again.

What do you think about this? How could Samsung have reached an agreement with the companies? Do not forget to transfer your thoughts to us in the comments section.

