Friday, May 24, 2019

Turkey Record In 2020 NASA Mars Project!

Turkey Record In 2020 NASA Mars Project!

Organized by NASA and most application name that will be sent to the red planet Mars project was made in 2020 from Turkey. Here are the details!

The project launched by the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for its Mars mission in 2020 drew great attention on social media. Mars tickets for most applications in 2020 were from Turkey.

Turkey record in 2020 NASA Mars project!

NASA, which has launched a new promotional campaign for the 2020 Mars mission, will send the name of those who want to Mars. 'The name of the Mars Send' break open Turkey among the countries that participate in the project first. 10:50 BST applications made from Turkey has exceeded 1 million 250 thousand cases.

Turkey Record In 2020 NASA Mars Project!

applications made from Turkey, the closest competitor was reached whereby approximately 3 times the level. Other countries in the first places are as follows:

Turkey: 1.250.00
USA: 429.626
India: 402.234
Mexico: 93.971
Thailand: 84.774
China: 68.112
England: 58.828
Saudi Arabia: 54,801
Italy: 53,737

Users entering NASA's web site, NASA's Mars project, including the name and surname of the project after entering a representative al boarding card is reached.

The Rover spacecraft, launched in June 2020, is scheduled to land at the Jezero crater in February 2021. Did you still get your boarding pass? Records will last until September 30th. If you want to send your name to Mars, just enter a simple form on NASA's site.

