Friday, April 19, 2019

Scientists Found The Missing Continent!

Scientists Found The Missing Continent!

Geological studies are progressing day by day. There's an innovation every day. But this isn't like before.

Could the world be bigger than we think?

Of course it can. We learn a lot of new things every day, but with what we've learned, we understand one more click, and scientists have found a continent that is thought to be 2 billion years old. This is a very old continent. It is thought to be 2 billion years old, which means that the crystals of zirocone are older than the island of Mauritus. They are said to be 9 million years old. The science of geology is an advanced science to better understand the nature. As a result of these investigations, the most important point is that these zircon crystals have reached the earth as a result of volcanic activity, and this is a strong clue for a hidden continent. The continent is thought to be fragmented on the ocean floor. It is obvious that such a continent has problems in locating scientists. Because there are serious factors that the continent may have been broken down at its base. However, the zircon crystals here are similar to zircon on the island of Madagascar. In other words, it is thought that this island, which is located in Madagascar at very ancient times, could be united. However, even though the continent cannot be found exactly, it is not unfair to think that there may be more geological remains to be discovered on Earth.

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US Agents Confiscated His NASA Engineer Phone!

US Agents Confiscated His NASA Engineer Phone!

NASA engineer, who was born and raised in the US, was faced with Trump's ugly practices. So what was the fault of this engineer?

The United States unfortunately continues to face ugly news. Trump is now obsessed with the NASA engineer. NASA engineer was exposed to ugly applications from Texas Airport. But the only crime was that his family was born in a different country. His phone was seized, the engineer asking to enter the country after a controversial ban on immigrants. NASA engineer border agents, who were not detained and detained for reasons of secrecy, asked for permission after Sidd's phone, which he thought could contain critical information about NASA, was seized. NASA, who was born in America and who lives there, is working in the Jet Engine Laboratory (JPL). Especially that it is a US citizen that was born in America. Bikkannavar, who was taken into custody by the National Security Units, closed his Facebook account after being released. Bikkannavar, a US citizen employee at NASA's Jet Engine Laboratory (JPL), made a statement after all these events. However, "I apologize for my absence. When I returned home last weekend, I was taken into custody by the National Security Units. The officers took my phone and did not release me until I gave my access PIN to copy my data. I'm a US-born citizen and a NASA engineer, and I'm traveling with a valid US passport, and they sent me to the waiting area where the immigrants were located until I finished copying my data and access PIN. I did a search to determine whether National Security and Border Security installed anything on my device, and I also worked with the JPL legal counselor, and I removed my Facebook page because of my over-security concerns. "JPL gave me a new phone and a new phone number. This caused me a little more relief." expressions. Asking questions about his private life, Bikkannavar did not permit access to the National Security Units because the phone was connected to NASA's JPL unit. He was obliged to protect access to the device. Agents insisted and took the information they wanted from Bikkannavar. The NASA engineer is still having trouble understanding why they are using the data. The only reason why Trump is considered to be the new separatist policies.

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The Giant Asteroid Is Approaching The Earth!

The Giant Asteroid Is Approaching The Earth!

Discovered in May 2014 and named later, the 2014 JO25 asteroid continues its approach towards the Earth. The news that excites sky scientists ..

The giant asteroid finally began to approach the Earth. Astronomer said on April 19 that an asteroid will travel near the Earth. NASA, said in a statement, 'Asteroid is not likely to hit our planet, although this size will be a very close approach to an asteroid in this dimension,' he drew his concerns enthusiastically. It is possible to witness a wonderful sky event with this asteroid which has the chance to be seen with binoculars. We can say that this is a very important opportunity for the sky enthusiasts and astronomers. The physical properties of the giant asteroid, which is twice as reflective as the moon, are not yet clear. The closest time to this gigantic sky event, where everyone from all over the world will make camps to study, will be at 07:00 in the morning of 19 April. It will be a comet starring PanSTARRS (C / 2015 ER61). It is expected to pass through the Earth at a very safe distance of 175 million km away. The giant asteroid is estimated to pass approximately 1.8 million km to our planet.

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The Camouflage Feature Of Octopuses Is Copied!

The Camouflage Feature Of Octopuses Is Copied!

Science works nonstop to simplify the natural to mimic human production ...

When it comes to imitating the environment, the octopus comes first. Octopus, the most advanced spy on imitation, is hard to find better. They can imitate not only colors but also shapes. It is not possible to say that octopuses have a very cute appearance, but they manage to surprise scientists every day. There is such a kind between them, regardless of the materials in the environment may disappear. Together with Octopus expert Roger Hanlon from the Massachusetts Marine Biology Laboratory, a team of scientists and engineers at Cornell University have developed technology that mimics the shocking nature of animals. This membrane can imitate potted plants and stony grounds in just seconds. From military camouflage clothing to smart devices, it is said to have many uses. These technologies are the most widely used area screens. Because the material can imitate the environment in seconds. It is said that the monlonology was first tried for military applications.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Important Update For Samsung Gear S3!

Important Update For Samsung Gear S3!

It comes with a small but nice update to the Samsung Gear S3 smart watch. What kind of experience will this feature give?

Samsung's Gear S3 smart watch has become a popular device on the market. However, users are also looking for innovations related to the device. Nowadays, most of this product turns into unique equipment. Samsung allows you to respond to phones with new updates around the rotating frames on this device. From the first day users could see incoming calls in their smart watches, but there was no way to answer them. Turning the bezel turns off the call only. Needless to say, this is a really weird omission. Still, a new update fixes this. A 13MB update to Gear S3 Frontier and Gear S3 Classic now increases the ability to answer a call by turning a call counterclockwise. You will be able to respond to calls when you make a fast turn counterclockwise. The sound will be directed from your smartphone or bluetooth audio source. It was strange for Samsung to wait for a long time to add this simple feature, but we're happy to see it live in the end. If you are using a Gear S3 device, the update must be accessible via your connected smartphone. Just open the Samsung Gear app and check About Gear> Check Software Update to make sure you're on the latest version.

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