Friday, April 19, 2019

The Giant Asteroid Is Approaching The Earth!

The Giant Asteroid Is Approaching The Earth!

Discovered in May 2014 and named later, the 2014 JO25 asteroid continues its approach towards the Earth. The news that excites sky scientists ..

The giant asteroid finally began to approach the Earth. Astronomer said on April 19 that an asteroid will travel near the Earth. NASA, said in a statement, 'Asteroid is not likely to hit our planet, although this size will be a very close approach to an asteroid in this dimension,' he drew his concerns enthusiastically. It is possible to witness a wonderful sky event with this asteroid which has the chance to be seen with binoculars. We can say that this is a very important opportunity for the sky enthusiasts and astronomers. The physical properties of the giant asteroid, which is twice as reflective as the moon, are not yet clear. The closest time to this gigantic sky event, where everyone from all over the world will make camps to study, will be at 07:00 in the morning of 19 April. It will be a comet starring PanSTARRS (C / 2015 ER61). It is expected to pass through the Earth at a very safe distance of 175 million km away. The giant asteroid is estimated to pass approximately 1.8 million km to our planet.

