Sunday, April 21, 2019

Latest Situation in Smartphone Prices! Is The Samsung Apple The Most Price-Changing Model?

Latest Situation in Smartphone Prices! Is The Samsung Apple The Most Price-Changing Model?

After researching and tracking price data on all insert, print advertising, TV ad, radio ad and online channels, BrandZone discussed the latest status of campaigns after a discount on smartphone prices. Accordingly, in the first 3 months of 2019, Samsung became the brand with the highest number of campaigns. Apple's iPhone 7 Plus 32 GB in the last one year, the most changing model of e-commerce sites.

Recently, many famous brands in the zero and second hand mobile phone prices up to 1,000 pounds discount on the eyes of the smart phone prices turned. for brands in Turkey prices / offers competitive research services according to data from brandzo; In the e-commerce sites, the smartphone category was the most popular model in the last year. The price of Apple's iPhone 7 Plus 32 GB is the most changing model. Apple's iPhone 6S 32 GB second, changing the price to 778 times; Apple's iPhone 7 32 GB, which changed the price of 765 times, ranked third. Huawei's Mate 10 Lite ranks fourth in the price of 724 times; Huawei's P20 Lite 64 GB was ranked fifth, with 693 times the price.

Campaigns that marked the first 3 months of 2019

brandzo to; In the smartphone category of the first 3 months of 2019, technology, hyper markets, telecom channels and local chains' inserts, newspaper ads, TV commercials and radio advertisements were reviewed individually by product, brand, category and feature. According to BrandZone data; In the first quarter of 2019, 5.8-inch and larger-screen smartphones ranked first with a 90 percent campaign rate. While the 5.1 percent and 5.7 inches ranked second with a 7 percent campaign rate, the 4.2 percent and 5 inch screen smartphones ranked third with a 2 percent campaign rate.

Samsung took part in the summit!

According to smartphone campaign data; In the first 3 months of 2019, with 32% campaign rate, Samsung became the brand with the highest number of campaigns. Apple second with 24 percent; Casper was third with 19 percent. Huawei fourth with 18 percent; General Mobile fifth with 3 percent; Xiaomi sixth with 2 percent; LG and Vestel ranked seventh with 1 percent.

Android does not leave leadership!

In the first quarter of 2019, the most popular operating system was Android with a campaign rate of 76%. Smartphones with iOS operating systems were second with 24 percent.

8 and 6 core smartphones are first

Smartphone campaigns with 8-core processors ranked first in the first 3 months of 2019 with a campaign rate of 71 percent. Smartphone campaigns with 6-core processors are second with 22 percent; Smartphone campaigns with 4-core processors are third with 5 percent; Smart-phone campaigns with 2-core processors ranked fourth with 0.1 percent.

