Friday, April 19, 2019

Scientists Found The Missing Continent!

Scientists Found The Missing Continent!

Geological studies are progressing day by day. There's an innovation every day. But this isn't like before.

Could the world be bigger than we think?

Of course it can. We learn a lot of new things every day, but with what we've learned, we understand one more click, and scientists have found a continent that is thought to be 2 billion years old. This is a very old continent. It is thought to be 2 billion years old, which means that the crystals of zirocone are older than the island of Mauritus. They are said to be 9 million years old. The science of geology is an advanced science to better understand the nature. As a result of these investigations, the most important point is that these zircon crystals have reached the earth as a result of volcanic activity, and this is a strong clue for a hidden continent. The continent is thought to be fragmented on the ocean floor. It is obvious that such a continent has problems in locating scientists. Because there are serious factors that the continent may have been broken down at its base. However, the zircon crystals here are similar to zircon on the island of Madagascar. In other words, it is thought that this island, which is located in Madagascar at very ancient times, could be united. However, even though the continent cannot be found exactly, it is not unfair to think that there may be more geological remains to be discovered on Earth.

